Republic Steel Corp. Warren Works

Warren, O. - Mike from Steel Valley Artifacts shared these scans of original prints from his collection, and I would like to date them and put names to the faces.

These images of repair work on the Trumbull Cliffs blast furnace were acquired from Perc Kelty’s estate sale Perc was the chief photographer for the Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co., and it looks like he continued to work as an industrial photographer after Sheet & Tube folded.

The photos of air crane flying parts up to the top of the furnace were found in a stack of images shot at the LTV Steel Tube works in Youngstown (Republic Steel Hazelton Works) and WCI Steel (Republic Steel Warren Works).

We are not sure if these photos were taken when LTV owned the mill or later when it was WCI. LTV, affectionately known as Liars-Thieves-Vultures or Leaving The Valley, rebuilt the furnace in 1981 and relined her in 1984. Any information on the date of these images would be appreciated.